Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Back again - Brianne

I won against mom in the St. Patty's day game. I didn't do anything for most of the time, and I got away with it! I would have been in big trouble if dad hadn't helped mom clean up everything the night before company came. When they were done everything looked great! It doesn't anymore, though. That's due to me, hehe. Mom spent too long at work for too many days, and so when she got home, I only wanted to play, not work! And it sure looks like it at home.

So now she says we have to start up again. She even got a progress report to fill out for me. I'm being graded! I always liked school and got straight A's, but this is going to be hard!

Mom also says we can't just eat whatever we want whenever we want anymore. She's been weighing herself and writing it down. I like to draw pretty graphs, but I like it better when the line goes down instead of up. It's too soon to see how pretty this graph will look. I was reading Libby's diary today and saw that she has to start getting off her "but". So I will, too.

Mom's happier with me today than she has been in a while, because already today we made dinner ('cause dad helped get the crock pot ready last night), ran the dishwasher, and got to play with Roomba. Maybe if I can make mom happier, she'll let me play more, instead of yelling at me for not helping out. I don't like it when mom's sad, but I just want to play. :(

I'm hungry for crock pot lamb now, so I'll chat more later.


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