Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wait, something's missing here, what is it...? Oh, it's STRESS!

Yeah, that's right, I'm missing (Well, I wouldn't say I'm missing it, Bob) stress. Weird, huh? I don't have any more money or any fewer bills, but I feel better about our finances. I don't have that much less stuff (yet) or any more room to put it, but I feel better about the clutter. I am cooking dinner every night, and I know I feel better about that. And the zones I've picked up so far haven't reverted to their former state of disrepair. (The computer room doesn't count. Yes, the papers are burned and gone forever, but unloading junk from our old house kind of filled it up again. So it's a new state of disrepair.)

I think that I can reward myself after each room in a zone is done. Once a room is decluttered, I can then see what's left and choose one organizational item to purchase that will help organize the stuff I want to keep. Ok, so I've only done it for the computer room, and that's not decluttered yet, but it's a good idea, right? The bathroom could use some sort of magazine rack. I don't know yet what our bedroom will need. The kitchen didn't seem to need anything.

I used to think that I would get organized if only I bought the right thing to hold all the stuff. Thus, the unused filing cabinet, the falling-apart shoe rack, the bigger house. Or maybe if I just had the right system. That caused the search for SHE notecards like mommy used to have. I didn't get as far as buying 3x5 cards or looking at the SHE book. I was going to find a handyshopper list or other palm program where someone had already done it for me and use their full-blown list.

Yeah, baby steps. You can't organize clutter.

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